Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Perfect
1. I have just (to do) something for you.
2. What you (to write) to him?
3. We already (to read) a story of Oscar Wild.
4. She (not yet to eat) today.
5. They never (to see) the interruption of volcano.
6. She just (to send) a message from Simon.
7. You ever (to be) in Los Angeles?

081120071 081120071    3   20.05.2020 14:58    0

Alecsei278Z Alecsei278Z  15.10.2020 02:35

1) I have just done something for you. 2) What have you written to him? 3) We have already read a story of Oscar Wild. 4) She hasn't eaten today yet. 5) They have never seen the interruption of volcano. 6) She has just sent a message from Simon.


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