Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующий модальный глагол или его эквивалент, (can-could-will be able to, may, must-have to-had to, should). 1.pupils … come to school in time. 2.the child can talk now, but two years ago he … speak only a few words. 3. … you tell me the way to the post office, please? 4 i … to study hard yesterday as i had a difficult exam. 5.people … not cross the street when the light is red 6. i can’t come now but i think, i … to come in an hour. 7.i … to go to work though i didn’t want to. 8.you … go to the dentist if you have any problem with your teeth. 9.take your umbrella with you. it … rain.10.… i have another cup of tea?

innainna604 innainna604    1   27.05.2019 17:10    1

eliza3108 eliza3108  24.06.2020 19:23
1) must;2)couldn*t;3)Can;4)had to;5)mustn*t6)will be able to;7)must;8)should;9)will be;10)may  ну как-то так
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