Раскройте скобки, употребив present, past или future continuous. переведите предложения на язык. 1.listen! somebody … (knock) at the door. 2.at ten o’clock tomorrow morning she … (have) her music lesson. 3.when you telephoned i … (have dinner). 4.please, be quiet! the baby … (sleep). 5.when i got up this morning the sun … (shine) brightly. 6.at this time tomorrow afternoon i … (take) my final english examination. 7.ann seems to be very busy. i guess she (prepare) her history lesson. 8.mary (play) the piano when i arrived. 9.at this time next year he (study) at the university. 10.listen! i think the telephone (ring).

danyaaseev2006 danyaaseev2006    2   20.07.2019 23:30    4

Naniko1515 Naniko1515  03.10.2020 09:14
1. Listen! Somebody … (is knocking) at the door.
2. At ten o’clock tomorrow morning she … (will be having) her music lesson.
3. When you telephoned I … (was having dinner).
4. Please, be quiet! The baby … (is sleeping).
5. When I got up this morning the sun … (was shining) brightly.
6. At this time tomorrow afternoon I … (will be taking) my final English examination.
7. Ann seems to be very busy. I guess she (is preparing) her History lesson.
8. Mary (was playing) the piano when I arrived.
9. At this time next year he (will be studying) at the University.
10. Listen! I think the telephone (is ringing).
Люська5612 Люська5612  03.10.2020 09:14
1. is knocking
2.will be having
3.was having
4.is sleeping
5.was shining
6.shall be taking
7.is preparing
8.was playing
9.will be studying
10.is ringing
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