Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму. it (1 — be) a hot day. when marian and her father (2 — enter) the woods, it (3 — begin) to rain. but they not (4 — mind) that, because it (5 — feel) nice and cool. they (6 — run) down into the valley. at the bottom of the valley (7 — be) a small river and a bridge over it. this place (8 — call) "robin leap." they (9 — stop) for a while to admire the view. marian (10— ask) her father why it (11 — call) "robin leap." her father (12— say): "they (13 — say) prince john on horseback (14 — come) after robin hood who (15 — be) on foot. when they (16 — come) to this place r. hood (17 — think) he (18 — catch) because there (19 — be) no bridge in those days. but to the prince's surprise robin hood (20— jump) over the river and (21 — get) away." marian (22 — wonder) if her father (23 — believe) it (24 — be) true. her father (25 —say) he (26 — be) not quite sure. they (27 — run) deeper into the woods. suddenly they (28 — begin) to hear thunder and (29 — see) lightning in the sky. it (30 — pour) down now, but marian's father (31 — say) it (32 — stop) in a minute. suddenly there (33 — be) a tremendous flash. marian (34 — throw) into some bushes. she (35 — realize) she (36 — strike) by lightning. slowly she (37 — sit) up, her legs (38 — bleed), but she not (39 – hurt) badly. then she (40 – see) her father. he (41 – fall) under a tree and couldn't move.

сабрина23 сабрина23    3   28.05.2019 09:40    3

rrus2057 rrus2057  25.06.2020 20:04
1  -was, 2 -entered, 3 - began, 4 - didn't mind, 5 - felt, 6 - ran, 7 -was, 8 -  called, 9 -stopped, 10 - asked, 11 - called, 12 - said, 13 - said, 14 - came, 15 - was, 16 - came, 17 - thought, 18 - was caught, 19 - was, 20 - jumped, 21 - got, 22-  wondered, 23 believed, 24 - was, 25 - said, 26 - was, 27 -ran, 28 - began, 29 - saw, 30 - was pouring, 31 - said, 32 - would stop, 33 -had been, 34-  threw , 35 - realized, 36 - had been struck, 37 - sat, 38 - were bleeding, 39 - hadn't been hurted, 40 - saw, 41 - fell.
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