Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную видо-временную форму глагола в действительном залоге. 1. this time next week i (to live) on a beach. 2. as a rule she (to run) in the park every day. 3. look! he (to try) to find his watch. he (to lose) it. 4. my sister (to sleep) for ten hours. 5. they (to leave) the house when we (to arrive).

BOLYUBASH1337 BOLYUBASH1337    3   23.06.2019 20:50    1

devil2a devil2a  02.10.2020 09:37
1. This time next week I will be lying on a beach.
2. As a rule she runs in the park every day.
3. Look! He is trying to find his watch. He has lost it.
4. My sister has been sleeping for ten hours.
5. They were leaving the house when we arrived.