Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в Present Perfect (have\has+V3). Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными. 1.I (to set) a record. 2.She (to see) this film. 3.They (to learn) new English words today. 4.She (to take part/already) in this competition. 5.The museum (to be) around since 1876.

пвмыиыо пвмыиыо    1   15.11.2020 13:17    7

maksimesaulav46 maksimesaulav46  15.12.2020 13:18

1) I have set a record 2) She has seen this film 3) They have learned

new English words today. 4) She has already  taken part in this competition.

5) The museum has been around since 1876.


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