Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в действительном или страдательном залоге. Переведите на русский язык.

1. A sextant (to use) for measuring (измерение) horizontal and vertical
angles (углы).
2. A tramp steamer (трамп) is a cargo ship which (to follow) on regular
route or schedule (график).
3. A cargo-ship (to use) for carrying cargo.
4. General cargo (to carry) by a ship which does not specialize in a
particular (определенный) kind of cargo.
5. A lighter (to be) a barge, generally without its own power. She
(to use) to carry goods to and from ships.
6. The word trade (to have) two means: the first one (to be) a
commerce; the other (to be) a particular shipping route.
7. A special-purpose ship (to design) not for general cargo but for a
particular cargo or trade.
8. A ramp (to permit) vehicles to drive on board and drive off again.
9. The word stern (to mean) the back part of a vessel’s hull.
10. A steamer is a general term for a ship in the days when almost all ships
(to drive) by steam (пар).
11. There are many passenger liners which (to operate) as cruise-ships.
12. The cargo (to carry) by this ship tomorrow.
The new vessel which (to launch) last year

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