Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в present simple, past simple, future simple, present continuous. предложения переведите. например: ann (to attend) meetings twice a week. twice a week (дважды в неделю) – слово-показатель времени present simple: ann attends meetings twice a week. энн посещает собрания дважды в неделю. 1. he (to buy) everything needed yesterday. 2. helen always (to come) for the lecture in time. 3. michael (to be) in his office now. he (to speak) to the assistant. 4. john’s father (to study) at this university in 1990. 5. irene seldom (to read) english books in the original.

lizatrubach2002 lizatrubach2002    2   27.06.2019 19:00    3

garik67456 garik67456  02.10.2020 13:23
1. Bought
2. Comes
3. Is , is speaking
4. Studied
5. Reads
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