Раскройте скобки употребив future simple или present simple.
1) just before noon. (tom's plane, arrive)
a barbecue on saturday if the weather is nice. (we, have)
3) at one o'clock. (the meeting, start)
4) school in june. (elizabeth, finish)
to the football match tomorrow if we have time. (we, go)
trains in sydney. (we, change)​

оргеотепок оргеотепок    1   11.09.2019 20:33    46

nurgustaandmitrу nurgustaandmitrу  16.08.2020 14:29

1) Tom's plane will arrive just before noon.

2) We will have a barbecue on Saturday if the weather is nice.

3) The meeting will start at one o'clock

4) Elizabeth will finish the school in June

5) We will go to the football match tomorrow if we have time.

6) We will change trains in Sydney

(Я понятия не имею, где тут Present Simple, может, это я ошибся)

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