Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужной форме. определите тип условного предложения на основании форм глагола в главном и придаточном предложениях. переведите. 1. if i (meet) … a beautiful girl, i (try) … to make friends with her. 2. if he (come) tomorrow, i (help) him. 3. if it (rain) …, we (go) … into a shop. 4. if i (see) … joe tomorrow, i (tell) … him about the problem. 5. if tina (go) … to bed early, she (not feel) … tired in the morning.

anna992 anna992    1   28.07.2019 19:20    1

Van4more Van4more  03.10.2020 15:53
1.If i meet a beautiful girl i will try to make friends with her. 2.if he come tomorrow i will help him 3. If it is raining we wiil go into a shop 4. If i see joe tomorrow i will tell him anout the problem 5.if tina go to bed early she won't feeltired in the morning. Вроде бы так
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