Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в раѕt continuous. . Marina
(talk) to her friend when the teacher came into the class.
Jerry and Ben
(run) around the track while the rest of the class were playing volleyball
Jill and
(not/pay) attention to the coach and she got angry with us.
(you / wear) your trainers when I saw you yesterday evening?
Some children
(read) books, while others were doing their homework.
Which match
(Nick / watch) on TV when his parents got back home?
William and Mary
(not/ practise) their ice-skating figures when their coach arrived.
(listen) to my favourite song when the teacher saw me.​

fantomfantoms fantomfantoms    1   16.03.2021 19:36    6

mishakukla mishakukla  15.04.2021 19:36



1) was talking

2) were running

3) wasn't paying

4) were you wearing

5) were reading

6) Nick was watching

7) weren't practising

8) was listening

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