Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму (present simple/present continuous) 1. dasha usually (do) her homework in her bedroom. 2. where is dan? he's in the park. he (play) football with his friends. 3. i (have) pizza for lunch today. 4. my parents (not/help) me with my homework very often. 5. my sister (not/read) a book at the moment. 6. mum and dad (sit) in the garden now? 7. we (not/go) to school on saturdays. 8. father (work) in the afternoon? you (read) a book at present? 10. you ) english every day?

kolesnikova19971 kolesnikova19971    2   26.08.2019 03:30    1

ksiuscha05 ksiuscha05  09.09.2020 07:18
1) does
2) is playing
3) have
4) don't help
5) isn't reading
6) Are _ sitting
7) don't go
8) Does_work
9) Are_reading
10) Do_study
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