Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму (present simple/present continuous) 1. fiona (dance) at present. 2. i always (wash) my face in the morning. wash my face – умываться 3. masha (go) to dance lessons four times a week. 4. helen (get up) at 6 o`clock every morning. get up – вставать 5. mark (go) to the gym on fridays? gym – тренажёрный зал 6. look! the photographer (take) a photo of our school. photographer – фотограф 7. my grandfather (read) a newspaper at least once a week. 8. we (not/go) to the theatre very often. theatre – театр 9. you can`t use the computer. dad (play) the world of tanks. 10. beth (not/study) english every day. 11. can you turn the tv off? i (read) a book. turn off – выключать 13. they often (eat) fast food for lunch. 14. alina (not/sleep) now. 15. tom (wash) his face at the moment? 16. john (study) english on saturdays. 17. your (play) football now? 18. you (go) to the park on saturdays? 19. they (fly) to new york today. 20. the children (not/eat) ice-cream in winter.

23LOLKEK 23LOLKEK    1   24.08.2019 17:50    3

kate2224 kate2224  26.08.2020 09:28
Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму (present simple/present continuous) 1. fiona (dance
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