Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму. (past simple and present perfect)

1. show me dress which you (to make).

2. jane (to send) the present for her granny last week.

3. the rain (to stop) but it’s still cold.

4. i (not to see) him since 1987.

5. we (to go) to the country yesterday but the rain (to spoil) everything.

6. when you (to meet) him? — i (to see) him last week.

7. you book) tickets? — yes, i .

8. two days ago he (to sell) his car.

9. we already (to learn) a lot of english words.

10. she (not to visit) doctor last year.

11. she (not to visit) doctor since last year.

Danya0011 Danya0011    1   11.11.2019 05:16    3

tskripko tskripko  10.10.2020 12:20

1)have made


3)has stopped

4)haven't seen

5)went, has spoiled

6)have met, saw

7) неправильный текст


9)have learned

10) didn't visit

11)hasn't visited


past simple - когда указано время в

present perfect - когда действие указано в и есть результат в настоящем

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