Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму 1) i would visit you if i ( not/live) so far away 2)if i (know) history well, i would help you 3) if our coach (be) with us now, he would give us much useful advice 4) if he (not/be) so lazy, he would pass exams much better 5) if she (have) more free time, she would took part in city competitions 6) if we (have) more money, we would be able to buy expensive equipment

13Sasharubakova 13Sasharubakova    3   14.08.2019 19:50    7

кросавиться11111 кросавиться11111  04.10.2020 19:27
1) didn't live
2) knew
3) were
4) weren't
5) had
6) had
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