Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужной форме. 1) he spoke french as if he (to be) a frenchman. 2) i wish he (to have) a driving license. 3) she spoke as if she (to know) everyone there. 4) i wish it (not to snow) in our region. 5) why do you always treat me as if i (to be) a child of 12? 6) i wish i (to have) something to read. 7) you look as if you (to want) to go away. 8) we wish it (not to rain) so often. 9) i wish i (to have) a camera. 10) i wish i (to be) a good artist.

Azariya Azariya    3   02.09.2019 10:40    23

лена6385 лена6385  10.08.2020 08:23
Was, will have, knew, will not snow, am, will have, want, will not rain, will have, will be
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