Раскройте скобки (I тип условных предложений), поставив глаголы в нужное время:
1. If the weather (to be) bad tomorrow, I will not go to the country.
2. If it is snowy at the weekend, we (to make) a snowman.
3. If it rains on Saturday, they (not to go) to the cinema.
4. If I (to see) John, I (to tell) him your news.
5. If you (to ask) a policeman, he (to tell) you the way.

almazina1 almazina1    3   18.05.2020 09:49    2

Anutka87igorevna Anutka87igorevna  30.08.2020 01:37

Раскройте скобки (I тип условных предложений), поставив глаголы в нужное время:

1. If the weather (is) bad tomorrow, I will not go to the country.

2. If it is snowy at the weekend, we (will make) a snowman.

3. If it rains on Saturday, they (will not go) to the cinema.

4. If I (see) John, I (will tell) him your news.

5. If you (ask) a policeman, he (will tell) you the way.

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