Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужное время(present simple or future simple) 1) if you (help) me, i (finish) this work in an hour 2) if ben (invite) me, i (come) to this party 3) if you (give) me some money, i (buy) you a ticket 4) we (go) to the zoo if my father (have) some time 5) we (not play) football if the weather (be) bad

89196252139139 89196252139139    1   06.06.2019 18:40    1

KrasnovaLu82 KrasnovaLu82  01.10.2020 20:54
If you help me, I will finish this work in an hour.
If Ben invites me, I will come to this party.
If you give me some money, I will buy you a ticket.
We will go to the Zoo, if my father has some time,
We will not (won't) play football if the weather is bad.
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