Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильную форму, употребите Past Simple или Present Perfect:
1. I just (to buy) a book on art and according its contents it must be very interesting. 2. My friend is a keen reader. Last week he (to give) me a new historical novel. 3. He never (to read) Shakespeare in the original because it is too difficult for him. 4. Earlier I (to be) fond of detective stories. 5. He is known as a well-read man. He (to get) a good collection of different books. 6. You (to read) that book yet? No, I only just (to begin) it. 7. Alina (to leave) Moscow? No, she is still there. 8. When your parents (to arrive) in Kazan? They (to arrive) yesterday. 9. I (not to see) him at the lecture. 10. He isn’t here. He just (to go out).

Vlarizon98 Vlarizon98    1   07.05.2020 12:39    0

lol2710 lol2710  14.10.2020 09:41

ответ: have bought


Has read


Has got

Have you read...

Have begun


Did arrive/arrived

Didn't see

Has gone out


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