Раскройте скобки, чтобы получить present perfect или past simple в отрицательной форме. i … (not/ do) this exercise before. i … (not/ do) this exercise yesterday. we … (not/ go) to school since the first form. we … (not/ go) to school yesterday. you … ( not/ see) a horse last week. you … (never/ see) a horse. he … (not /say) that yet. he … (say) that a minute ago. they … (not/ have) breakfast yet. they …( not/have) breakfast a hour ago.

krav4enkom krav4enkom    1   12.09.2019 08:10    54

guarginia666 guarginia666  07.10.2020 09:13
I haven't done this exercise before
I didn't do this exercise yesterday
We haven't gone to school since the first form
We didn't go to school yesterday
you didn't see a horse last week
you haven't seen a horse
He haven't said that yet
He didn't say that a minute ago
They haven't have breakfast yet
They didn't have breakfast 
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