Раскройте скобки. 1. they (serve) the dessert to you as soon as you (finish) the main course. 2. he (wait) for you until you (come) back. 3. they (come) to us again when they (know) our new address. 4. we (go) to the country tomorrow if the weather (to be) fine. 5. we (be) grateful to you if you (bring) us something to drink. 6. we (have) a picnic tomorrow if it (be) a fine day. 7. you (be) late if you (not take) a taxi. 8. we (not / have) dinner until you (come). 9. if i (come) later i (be) late for dinner. 10. if he (know) the timetable he {miss) the train. 11. it (be) better if you (come) on time. 12. i wish i (know) this before. 13. i (come) to you if you (not/ live) so far away. 14. if i (see) him yesterday i (tell) him about it. 15. if i (to be) in your place i (not/ buy) the tickets beforehand. 16. if i (know) that you needed help i (help) you.

csioucfuo csioucfuo    2   30.07.2019 18:30    8

anzoroglyan1 anzoroglyan1  03.10.2020 17:50
1will serve.finish
2will wait.come
3will come.know
4will go.is
5will be.bring
6will have.is
7will be.don't take
8won't have.come
9come.will be
10knows.will miss
11will be.come
13will come.don't live
14saw.would tell
15were.wouldn't buy
16knew.would help
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