Раскройте скобки. 1). she won’t open the door unless she (know) who it is. 2).if you (paint) the walls white, the room would be much brighter. 3). if your brother had driven more carefully, the accident (not happen). 4). i shouldn’t have believed it if i (not see) it with my own eyes. 5). ice (turn) to water if you heat it. 6). if he (read) in bad light, he will ruin his eyes. 7). i could tell you what this means if i (know) chinese. 8). if she had worn her raincoat, she (not get) wet.

РюЛайон РюЛайон    1   29.08.2019 22:10    3

mishanyak19991 mishanyak19991  03.08.2020 11:33
She won't open the door, unless she knows who it is
If you painted the walls white, the room would be much brighter
If your brother had driven more carefully, the accident wouldn't have happened
I shouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes
Ice turns to water if you heat it
If he reads in bad light, he will ruin his eyes
I could tell you what this means if I knew Chinese
If she had worn her raincoat, she wouldn't have got wet
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