Раскрой скобки,поставив глаголы в past simple 1.kate [get] up at 6 o'clock. 2.she [wash] her face and hands. 3.then she [have] breakfast with her mum,dad and sister ann. 4.after breakfast she [go] to school. 5.after school kate [do] her homework and [walk] with her friends in the street. 6.in the evening she [take] her pet for a walk and [watch] tv. 7.i [make] a cake with my mum yesterday. 8.she [play] and [swim] in the river last summer.

Чикчирик12 Чикчирик12    2   02.09.2019 07:00    1

ikaerlapova ikaerlapova  06.10.2020 11:20
1 got
2 washed
3 had
4 went
5 did-walked
6 took-watched
7 made
8 played-swam
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