Раскрой скобки , используя глагол в the present simple или the present progressive. переведи на язык 1. -look, it . (rain) -yes, most days at this time of year. (rain) 2. goodnight, i to bed (go) i always to bed early during the week. (go) 3. these cheese . (smell) 4. maize in britain. (not grow) 5. it snow. (not go) out. 6. my friends next week.(come) 7. children usually soundly. (sleep) 8. love the world go round. (make) 9. you meat? (eat) 10. we a meeting come and join in. (have) 11. she going to parties. (hate) 12. she shower, now. (have) 13. i he was not to blame. (believe) 14. this book to mark. (belong) 15. i him very well. (know) 16. his french better. (get) 17. this coat to you? (belong) 18. the tap can you fix it? (run) 19. he football this season. (play) 20. hello you the party. (enjoy)

gasisivlasova gasisivlasova    2   27.05.2019 15:00    1

yurka1973 yurka1973  24.06.2020 16:26
1) it is raining, rains
2) I am going to bed, go
3) smells
4)does not grow
5)It is not going to
6) are coming
7) sleep
8) makes
9) do you eat
10) are having
11) hates
12)is having
13) believe
14) belongs
15) know
16) is getting
17) does belong
18) is running
19) is playing
20) you enjoying
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