Раскрой скобки, и поставь глагол в нужную форму.
Ann (love) to sing and (can) do it very well
Children (must) help their parents
Kate tells us (come) to the party on time
John (read) all the magazines about cars that he (can) find
My mother (tell) me very interesting story about her childhood. I think she (must) write them down
Mary loves (dance), she is the best dancer i know.

rne rne    3   11.05.2020 20:27    1

ruchina89 ruchina89  14.10.2020 13:33

1)Anne loves to sing and can do it very well.

2)Children must help their parents

3)Kate tells us to come to the party on time

4)John reads all the car magazines he can find

5)My mother told me a very interesting story about her childhood. I think she should write them down Mary loves to dance. She is the best dancer I know.

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