Раскрой глаголы в скобках, используя Present simple/Present continuous. Не забывай про Stative verbs. 1) Look at that man near the cashier! He(steal) something! 2) My brother (want) to find a full-time job as he’s having problems with money at the moment. 3) Lake Baikal (attract) many people every season. 4) This national dish (taste) so delicious!Mmm! 5) Sarah (take) a deep breath every time she dives underwater. 6) Dan(prefer) paying in cash. 7) - What (you/watch)? - A documentary about lake Baikal. 8) The chef (smell) his dish. 9) We (play) football every Friday. 10) He (not/ get) much money at this work.

657алЕНА 657алЕНА    1   30.10.2020 08:55    3

lilikykytik21 lilikykytik21  29.11.2020 08:56

я не уверена, но как знаю


1. is stealing

2. is wanting

3. attracts

4. tastes

5. takes

6. prefers

7. are you watching

8. smells

9. play

10. is not getting

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