РАДИ ХРИСТА Написать в правильном времени
2. I never … (be) to Poltava when I was a child.

3. What … (you, do) after work today? –I … (play) billiards at the billiard club. And you? –I … (meet) Joanna for a round of golf.

4. When Mary … (clean) the house she … (find) some old letters. 5. Roger … (leave) for Germany tonight. His train … (depart) at 7.30 exactly.

JoYCasinI2558 JoYCasinI2558    1   17.12.2020 17:16    0

danila2003uly danila2003uly  16.01.2021 17:16

2. I have never been

3. are you doing ... am playing ... am meeting

4. was cleaning ... found

5. is leaving ... departs

shyndari shyndari  16.01.2021 17:16


I have never been to Poltava when I was a child.

What do you do after work today? –I play billiards at the billiard club. And you? –I meet Joanna for a round of golf.

When Mary was cleaning the house she found some old letters. 5. Roger leaves for Germany tonight. His train  at 7.30 exactly.

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