Questions with a preposition Complete the questions with a preposition at the end.
1. A. Dad, can I have the car tonight?
B. What want it ?
A. I’m going out with a couple of friends. Is that Ok? 2. A. There’s someone’s phone on the table?
B. Who belong ?
A. It’s mine, thanks.
3. A. Jack’s granddad died last week.
B. Oh dear! What die ?
A. A heart attack. 4. A. I’m really angry.
B. What so angry ?
A. My bank has charged me $20 for being 50p overdrawn.
5. A. Pierre’s the director of a European company. B. Really? Who work ?
A. Allgemeine Union.
6. A. We can’t go yet! Not everyone’s here. B. Who waiting ? A. Anna. She’s getting ready.
7. A. Do you like my new dress?
B. Where get it? A. Beebo’s on the High Street.
8. A. Mary got married last weekend.
B. Really! Who get married ? A. A guy she met in Czech Republic.