QUESTIONS for U + WN 1.COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS WITH THE CORRECT QUESTION WORDS FROM THE LIST BESIDE 1. --is she ? She's 10 years old. 2.- nationality are you ?I'm American 3. are you laughing? Because the film is funny. 4. ---sports do you like? Handball,football, and rugby 5. -rooms are there in your house ? Eight. ---are you from? I am from Ireland. 7. ---is this boy? He's my friend, James. 8. -are you? I'm fine, thank you. 9.- --is the American president ? Mr Biden. 10. -is your brother ? He is 20 years old. 11. -toes have you got? Ten, of course III. --is the third letter of the word mother? T 13. - do you go to school with ? My dad. 14. -do you go to school? In the nearby village 15. -is your birthday ? On the first of Februar 16.--- is her name? Her name is Jenny. 17. do you eat chocolate ? Because I like it 18. -much are your trainers ? 150$ 19.- -are they? Very tired. 20. time is it? Half past four PM 12.

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