Put words in order 1. tennis, ken plays every weekend. a letter to her parents, ann, writes that every 3. reads a book, now she is 4. to school, on.i, saturday, go, do not need.5. bright, shining, the sun. lives, my sister, new york. going, i, the doctor, at the moment, v.8. speak, maria, okay, in english? ii. use present simple tense. 1. i usually (go) to bed at 10.00 p.m. 2. jack (speak) english and french very well. 3. her son always (watch) shows and cartoons. 4. my sister and i (not/read) newspapers in english 5. people (work) on computers at home every day. iii. use present continuous tense 1. they (work) in the garden now. 2. listen! the teacher and the students (talk) in the class. 3. we (cook) dinner now. my mother (make) a salad and i (peel) potatoes. 4. a young man (drive) a car now. he (listen) to music. 5. look! my grandfather (read) a book in the dining room. iv. choose the correct tense of the verbs 1. tom often is going/goes the cinema. 2. they are watching/watch tv at the moment. 3. she is writing/writes letters to her mother every week. 4. nina usually is driving/drives to work. 5. father is sitting/sits on the sofa now 6. listen! the telephone is ringing rings. mer we usually are goingigo to the seaside. 8. look at tom. he is riding/rides a horse. заранее .

trenter trenter    2   06.04.2019 14:54    1

m1a2c3s4i5m6a7 m1a2c3s4i5m6a7  06.04.2019 15:50

(i) написано неверно,   исправь

(ii) 1 go 2 speaks 3 watches 4 don't read 5 work

(iii) 1 are working 2 are talking 3 are cooking, is making, am peeling 4 is driving, is listening 5 is reading

(iv) 1 goes 2 are watching 3 writes 4 drives 5 is sitting 6 is ringing 7 go 8 is riding

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