Put the words in the right order to make up an interrogative sentence. 1. time/he/on/always/come/his/to/does/classes? 4 english/well/father/as/does/mother/speak/as? 5.delivers/your/in/who/newspaper/morning/the? 6.kate /for/waiting/is/who? 7.rich/ did /want /he/ to/and/be/famous? 8. afford/this/can/holiday/a/year/you? 9.an/did/last/accident/he/have/week? 10.married/last/they/get/did/month? 11.told/to/him/before/six o'clock/who/come? 12.the/ any/where /in/ photographs /there /bag? 13.sent/ doctor/ they /have /for/ a? 14.listening/ the/ are /students/what /to? 15.advised/ the/ police/ accident /who /you /tell/about/to/the? 16.to/ride/like/horse/would/a/you/learn/to?

rjt54 rjt54    3   01.04.2019 10:40    2

петя212 петя212  28.05.2020 05:06

1) Does he always come on time to his classes?

4) Does mother speak English as well as father?

5) Who delievers newspaper in the morning?

6) Who is Kate waiting for?

7) Did he want to be rich and famous?

8) Can you afford a holiday this year?

9) Did he have an accident last week?

10) Did they get married last month?

11) Who told him to come before six o'clock?

12) Were there any photographs in the bag?

13) Have they sent for a doctor?

14) What are the students listening to?

15) Who advised you to tell the police about the accident?

16) Would you like to learn to ride a horse?


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