Put the words in the right order. 1 problem seems to there be a
2 much soup is there in salt the too
3 snow is to tomorrow there likely be
4 any I there don't to want be trouble 5 any for letters me there were ?
6 with wrong something there is car the
7 singing the bus was a woman there on
8 shout to there no need is
9 must somebody be there home at
10 there an exam next will week be?​

pollylu12 pollylu12    1   04.07.2021 18:00    0

esayanmamikon1 esayanmamikon1  04.07.2021 18:10
There seems to be a problem.There is too much salt in the soup.There is likely to be snow tomorrow.I don't want any trouble to be there.Were there any letters for me?There is somehing wrong with the car.There was a woman singing on the bus.There is no need to shout.Somebody must be there at home.Will there be an exam next week?
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