Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions. – Розставте слова у правильному порядку, утворивши речення. 1. I'd soup bowl of like a chicken 2. like to anything Would drink You ? 3. to same The you 4. you would for a What main like course ? 5. How lunch is the Much ? 6. have lunch to I'd like some 7. Can else anything bring I you ?

али394 али394    1   11.04.2021 13:43    0

Dronton Dronton  11.05.2021 13:46

1 I'd like a bowl of chicken soup 2 would you like anything to drink? 3 the same to you 4 what would you like for a main course? 5 how much is the lunch? 6 I'd like to have some lunch 7 can I bring you anything else?


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