Put the words in the correct order to make sentences: 1. does what up get she time? 2.has shower a she. 3. do breakfast does what she before? 4. work bus to goes by she. 5. we television in do evening the watch not. 6. bed time do go what you to? 7. sister doctor my is a. 8. does sally cooking not like. 9. lovely the we house in have country a. 10. any does have she children.

marivenkova marivenkova    2   06.07.2019 06:10    2

nata1316 nata1316  02.10.2020 21:03
1 what time does she get up
2she has a shower
3what does she do before breakfast
4she goes to work by bus
5 we do not watch television in the evening
6what time do you go to bed
7 my sister is a doctor
8sally does not like cooking
9 we have a lovely house in the country
does she have any children?
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