Put the words in the correct order to make requests. Then match the requests with illustrations a-h on page 17. 1 seatbelt please your sir fasten. 2 upright the your in please seat position put. 3 seatbelt just I your can check? 4 mind you off would computer switching your? 5 phone off please switch your. 6 table sir up your you could put? 7 bag mind the putting in overhead would your locker you? 8 this read please notice.

malyshewacarina malyshewacarina    1   09.05.2020 00:13    0

Kennyssess Kennyssess  14.10.2020 12:13

1. Sir, fasten your seatbelt, please.

2. Put your seat in upright position, please.

3. Can I just chech your seatbelt?

4. Would you mind switching off your computer?

5. Switch off your phone, please.

6. Could you put your tabel up, sir?

7. Would you mind putting your bag in the overhead locker?

8. Please read this notice.

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