(put the words in the correct order.)
the l as 7 the film /as / not/ was / good /
2 were / while/who /talking/l / to /you/out/
3 late / didn't/we/film/see / arrived /the /
because / at /we/ cinema/too/the/.
4 still / raining / was / it / arrived / when / the /
bus /.
5 the / article/ he found / the / while / he /
was / internet / searching/.
read and choose the correct alternative.

VeronaKotik VeronaKotik    3   22.10.2019 20:06    2

vitm1 vitm1  10.10.2020 08:50

1. The film was not as good as book.

2. Who were talking to you while i was out?

3. We didn't see film because we arrived to the cinema too late.

4. It was still raining when the bus arrived. (??)

5. He found the article while he was searching the Internet.

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