:put the words in the correct order and write the sentences.(поставьте слова в правильном порядке и записать предложения) 2.410,army,roman,the,power,in,lost,its,ad. 3.anglo-saxon,were,ad,built,towns,about,first,600. 4.vikings,in,to,the,9th,came,centrury,britain,the. 5.britain,the,in,normans,1066,conquered. 6.became,1066,william the conquered,britain,the,of,in,king.

РауанУченик6класса РауанУченик6класса    3   10.07.2019 06:10    0

148625 148625  17.09.2020 10:48
2/ The Roman army lost its power in 410, AD.
3/ Saxon Ad were built first about 600.
4/ The Vikings came to the Britain in 9th century.
5/ The Britain conquered Notmans in 1066.
6/ William the Conquered became the king of Britain in 1066.
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