Put the words in brackets into the correct order to make sentences. Use Present Perfect Continuous tense. Write down full sentences.

Example: We . (since / plan / May / our trip)

Example answer: We have been planning our trip since May.

He . (morning / look for / since / his keys).
My daughter . (childhood / since / the piano / play)
How long ? (clean / children / their rooms)
You . (on the phone / talk / early morning / since)
My husband . (all the week/ work / hard)
We (for half an hour / wait for / the taxi)

au20941 au20941    3   07.09.2021 15:02    0

varvara273 varvara273  07.09.2021 15:10

He has been looking for his keys since morning.

My daughter has been playing piano since childhood.

How long have children been cleaning their rooms?

You have been on the phone since early morning.

My husband has been working hard all week.

We have been waiting for the taxi for half an hour.

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