Put the word in the correct order and write the sentences. 1. 410, army, roman, the, power, in, lost, its, ad. 2. anglo – saxon, were, ad, built, towns, about, first, 600. 3. vikings, in, to, the, 9th, came, century, britain, the. 4. britain, the, in, norman, 1066, conquered. 5. became, 1066, william the conqueror, britain, the, of, in, king.

v1k2 v1k2    2   10.07.2019 23:30    1

лёванчик228 лёванчик228  03.10.2020 00:40
1. The Roman army lost its power in 410 AD
2. First Anglo-Saxon towns were built about 600 AD
3. In the 9th century, vikings came to Brtitain
4. In 1066 the normans conquered Britain.
5. William the Conqueror became the king of Britain in 1066
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