Put the verv into Gerund (Ving) or Infinitive (toV/ V) 1)They don’t want … any more children. (have)
2)I don’t mind ... . (wash up)
3)Girls, stop … (giggle).
4)Ben likes … chess. (play)
5)Lara goes … every weekend. (dance)
6)Harry can’t stand … on Saturdays. (work)
7)She must …. (stay)
8)The lawyer will … you later. (call)
9)We heard somebody … the apartment. (enter)
10)Mother wants … the walls in the kitchen. (paint)
11)We decided … the car. (sell)
12)It may … too much. (cost)
13)She saw him … the street. (cross)
14)We were hungry, so I suggested … dinner early. (have)
15)I was the first … this story. (tell)

indira227 indira227    1   15.03.2021 07:27    58

khairullina05 khairullina05  26.01.2024 12:09
1) They don’t want to have any more children.
- In this sentence, the verb "want" is followed by the infinitive form "to have" because it expresses the intention or desire to do something.

2) I don’t mind washing up.
- In this sentence, the verb "mind" is followed by the gerund form "washing up" because it is used to express a willingness or indifference towards an action.

3) Girls, stop giggling.
- In this sentence, the verb "stop" is followed by the gerund form "giggling" because it is used to indicate the action that needs to be ceased.

4) Ben likes to play chess.
- In this sentence, the verb "likes" is followed by the infinitive form "to play" because it expresses enjoyment or preference for an activity.

5) Lara goes dancing every weekend.
- In this sentence, the verb "goes" is followed by the gerund form "dancing" because it is used to describe the activity that Lara engages in regularly.

6) Harry can’t stand working on Saturdays.
- In this sentence, the verb "can't stand" is followed by the gerund form "working" because it expresses a strong dislike or intolerance towards an action.

7) She must stay.
- In this sentence, the verb "must" is followed by the base form "stay" because it is used to express obligation or necessity.

8) The lawyer will call you later.
- In this sentence, the verb "will" is followed by the base form "call" because it is used to express future action.

9) We heard somebody enter the apartment.
- In this sentence, the verb "heard" is followed by the base form "enter" because it is used to describe an action that was perceived by the sense of hearing.

10) Mother wants to paint the walls in the kitchen.
- In this sentence, the verb "wants" is followed by the infinitive form "to paint" because it expresses the desire or intention to do something.

11) We decided to sell the car.
- In this sentence, the verb "decided" is followed by the infinitive form "to sell" because it indicates the action that was chosen or resolved upon.

12) It may cost too much.
- In this sentence, the verb "may" is followed by the base form "cost" because it is used to express possibility or likelihood.

13) She saw him cross the street.
- In this sentence, the verb "saw" is followed by the base form "cross" because it is used to describe an action that was observed.

14) We were hungry, so I suggested having dinner early.
- In this sentence, the verb "suggested" is followed by the gerund form "having" because it is used to propose or recommend an action.

15) I was the first to tell this story.
- In this sentence, the verb "was" is followed by the infinitive form "to tell" because it is used to indicate the order in which an action was performed.
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