Put the verbs into the correct form ( present perfect/ present perfect continuous) 1. he (to work) in this conpany since 2002 and he doesn't want to change this place 2."why are you so tired? " - "i ( to play) football for two hours. 3. this man a writer. he (to write) already eight books. 4. she (to do) already her homework for two hours, but she (not to do) it yet. 5. "you (to find) your notebook? " - "yes,i have. and i'm can give it to you"

greghs greghs    2   07.06.2019 00:40    0

Irresponsibility Irresponsibility  06.07.2020 22:48
1. has been working.
2. have been playing.
3. has already written
4. has been already doing / hasn't done
5. Have you found?
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