Put the verbs into present simple or present continuous. copy down the sentences.
21 it often rain in this part of the world.

22 granny make an apple cake in the kitchen.

23 jack have a bath . can you call a bit later?

24 dad work on saturdays.

25 tommorow we go to the cinema, i’ve got the tickets.

26 the football match begin at 6 o’clock.

27 my sister always take my clothes but she never asks me

dimaolegon96 dimaolegon96    3   29.09.2019 06:23    2

2009tes 2009tes  09.10.2020 02:08

ответ: 21. It often rains in this part of the world.

22. Granny is making an apple cake in the kitchen.

23. Jack is having a bath. Can you call a bit later?

24. Dad works on Saturdays.

25. Tommorow we're going to the cinema. I've got the tickets.

26. The football match begins at 6 o'clock.

27. My sister often takes my clothes.


present simple - повторяющееся рутинное действие

present continuous - действие, которое происходит сейчас/на протяжении определенного периода времени

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