Put the verbs into passive forms:
1/The biography of Karamzin …(read) at the last lesson.
2/The novel «Сaptain`s daughter» by Pushkin …(read) at the moment.
3/I think the role of reading …(discuss) at our next lesson too.
4/Such essays can easily …( write) as the theme is actual.
5/ The library …(build) some weeks ago.
6/Dick remembered that humorous short stories …( read) on the radio by some popular actors.
7/Thanks to reading our outlook …(broaden)
8/When I came to Moscow last year, I visited the new library that …(build) at that moment.
9/The film…(base) on a very popular book by E.Nesbit.
10/The reader first …(take) to the library by his parents.
Put the verbs into passive forms:
1/What books … usually(read) in Literature in the 9th form?
2/A new library …(build) in our town now.
3/What poem …(recite)?I can`t recognize it.(2 variants)
4/Some years ago people … (teach) with the help of books only.
5/We hope that more good books… (read) by young people in the future.
6/I can` recite the poem, because it…(not learn) by me yet.
7/Harry Potter books …(read) in many countries.
8/When I was a small girl bedside stories …(tell) by my mummy.
9/In England newspapers …(bring) to the door of your cottage.
10/Nowadays e-books …(sell) everywhere.

kalmykov24 kalmykov24    2   11.04.2020 10:39    1

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