Put the verbs in brokets into the past simple or past continuous 1) She (cycle)to work when she (get) a flat tyre.
2) I (surf) the net while they (watch) the news on TV.
3) Ron (hurt) his hnee while he (play) football.
4) First he (have) a shower, than he (eat) his breakfast.
5) Peter (help) his dad in the garden while his mom (wash) the car​

Danich20 Danich20    3   31.03.2021 12:06    0

lerapashina03 lerapashina03  30.04.2021 12:10

1) She was cycling to work when she got a flat tyre.

2) I was surfing the net while they were watching the news on TV.

3) Ron hurt his knee while he was playing football.

4) First he had a shower, than he ate his breakfast.

5) Peter was helping his dad in the garden while his mom was washing the car​.

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