Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense forms. 1 in russia children school on the 1st of september. (to go) 2 rulers in my bag yesterday but today one rulerin it. (to be ) 3 lot in the see last year as it hot. (to swim / to be ) 4 when leave for london? (to be going ) 5 i don't think your brother with nature study next year. (to have ) 6 my dad usually train. (to travel ) 7 " children ? (to do) "sally bob and tom ". (to read/to play) 8 yesterday the picture gallery which trafalgar square. (to go/to be ) 9 how long to get to school? (to take) it always 5 or 7 minutes to get there. (to take) 10 tomorrow we the shop to buy a present for jim. (to go ) ! ! !

anjellalove094 anjellalove094    2   22.06.2019 13:40    1

Sabinaaa33 Sabinaaa33  17.07.2020 18:33
1. went
2. were, is
3.didn't swim, was 
4. weel you be
5. weel have
6. travels
7. is, doing, is reading, are playing
8. weel go, is
9.does it take
10. weel go
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