Put the verbs in brackets into the present

simple or the present continuous.greetings from spaint my family and i f )

(have) a wonderful time in walaga. táe weather

z) .. . (be) perfecil we i)

(go) to the beach

every day.

we 4) (stay¡ at a beautiful hotel. at

the moment, i 5) (sit) at the hotel

café and (eat) my favourite

ice-cre¿m. my mum and dad 7) :

(swim) in the sea and my little brother, jack,

(make) sandcastles.

the food is great here, too! we 9)

(eat) local dishes every night at one of the seaside

restaurants. my favourite dish is paella. after

dinner, we usually l0) (go) for a

walk around the port. we lf)

(return) to the hotel late in the evening.

how is it in ttaly? 12)

(you/enjoy) your holiday?

can't wait to hear from youl


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