Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, the present continuous or the future simple. A: What 1) (you/do) on Saturday?

B: I 2) (volunteer) at my local animal shelter.

That’s where I 3) (go) every weekend.

A: That’s interesting. Do you think I could come along too?

B: OK. The shift 4) (start) at 10. I 5) (write)

down the address and we can meet there at 9:30.

A: Can we make it 9:45? I 6) (expect) a parcel on

Saturday morning. The mail 7) (come) around

9:30. I think I 8) (be) at the shelter at 9:45.

B: 9:45 is fine. I 9) (see) you then. My

sister 10) (come) too.

A: Great! I’d love to see her again.​

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