Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfecttense. 1. Where you (be)? - I (be) to the dentist. 2. You (see) my watch anywhere? - No, I'm afraid I (not see) it anywhere. 3. I (not finish) my letter yet. 4. I (meet) Ann's husband recently. - When did you meet him? I met him at a party last Sunday. 5. He just (go) out. 6. I can't find my bicycle. Someone (take) it. 7. There were six fish in the pan. Now there are only five. Where is the sixth one? - The cat (steal) the fish. 8. I (finish) my homework already. Now I can watch TV. 9. Mary (water) the tomatoes? - Yes, I think so. 10. He (ask) her to dinner several times but he (not manage) to dine with her yet. 11. Ms. Parker travels to Washington, D.C. frequently. He (fly) there many times. 12. Bob and Jane are old friends. They (know) each other for a long time. 13. He never (meet) Nancy's parents. He hopes he will get the chance to meet them soon. 14. I don't like this weather. It (be) cold and cloudy for the last three days. 15. Your English is getting better. You (learn) a lot of English

kymbat2016 kymbat2016    2   12.11.2020 17:12    5

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