Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, the past perfect or the past perfect continuous. 1 A: Helen (not/make) it to the pop concert. B: Oh, what a shame! She (look) forward to it for weeks. (happen) to you? 2 A: What B: I (break) a glass and (cut) my finger. .(seem) tired yesterday. 3 A: Julie B: She was. She (write) a review all afternoon. 4 A: (be) so excited when Gary I saw him last night. B: I know! He (just/get) a promotion. 5 A: How long (you/wait) the station before the train arrived? B: So long that by the time I reached the museum, it (already/close).

волна16 волна16    2   24.04.2020 22:05    71

vashik047p08sj5 vashik047p08sj5  13.10.2020 20:48

1) don't made

2) looked

3) happened

4) broken

5) cut

6) seeming

7) wrote

8) was

9) just got

10) you waiting

11) already closed

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