Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, the past continuous or the past perfect. 1) in 1965 my parents (move) into what (be) a storage space before. this was their first home. 2) i was very nervous because i (not give) a speech to a big audience before. 3) i’m sorry i couldn’t talk when you called yesterday. i (have) a big argument with my sister. 4) for the first time we were not late. the performance (begin) when we arrived at the opera house. 5) tom decided to break up with lucy because she (let) him down many times. 6) we didn’t have much time to talk. he came in just as i (leave). 7) i (not know) anything about greek cuisine until i went to athens last year.

nazuli nazuli    1   05.06.2019 08:40    1

an02092004 an02092004  05.07.2020 21:53
1) In 1965 my parents moved into what had been a storage space before. This was their first home.
2) I was very nervous because I had not given a speech to a big audience before.
3) I’m sorry I couldn’t talk when you called yesterday. I was having a big argument with my sister.
4) For the first time we were not late. The performance began when we arrived at the opera house.
5) Tom decided to break up with Lucy because she had let him down many times.
6) We didn’t have much time to talk. He came in just as I left.
7) I had not known anything about Greek cuisine until I went to Athens last year.
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